Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Theory Of Power And Leadership Ideas - 1021 Words

Ideas are beliefs and desires constructed in organized pattern with its creation, components and impact that define the political structure and bind the ruling authority in a set of complying characteristics of that idea. There are unexplained varieties of Ideas - great ideas, scientific and moral ideas, realist and fantastic ideas, political, economic or religious ideas. Democracy, power, freedom and rights, citizenship and protest, social justice and equality are all ideas based on which institutions make policies and rules. As abstract and non-specific element of thought it may be, it forms essential bases of formational philosophy and politics. It is important to understand, in relation to power and leadership ideas are examined†¦show more content†¦In today’s world, it has to be admitted that more and more power is being given to the people and the hypothesis that power belongs to the people, and they govern themselves has undoubtedly established liberal democrac y as the most appropriate form of governance. Ideas of equality, justice and freedom are secured by democratic regimes and therefore over centuries, from French revolution to Arab springs in 2010. Today’s governments are liberal but modern democratic territories. They preach supremacy and freedom of individuals provides fundamental rights, rule of law and security but at the same time the system representing people takes the leading role. Modern states have to incorporate various interests, requirements and political requirements and thus look at collective interests idealizing stability, international image, and maintaining balanced political structure. The constitutional framework of a state bases its policies, decisions on the ideas and ideologies enshrined by the supreme law of the land- constitution. All political, social and economic laws, policies are formulated due to the ideological guidelines and principals inculcated by states. The ideas of freedom, security, justice, rule of law, peace, protest, etc. are the building blocks of governance, though ever changing in their meaning. Berlin, discussing J.S. Mill, distinguishes between negative liberty,

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